
Computer Society of India Student Branch

CSI Student branch Canara Engineering College was started in the year 2013-2014. There are 99(CSE & ISE) registered students members. This provides recognition of high professional competence, displaying dedication, calibre, standard, and commitment together with quality, depth and breadth of the knowledge leading to increased business opportunities and better employment prospects. The Computer Society of India (CSI) is the largest association of IT professionals in India. The CSI – CANARA Student Chapter has been the most active student cell for the past 6 years. Many interactive workshops and seminars are conducted which are purely dedicated to increase the ken and give members hands-on experience with various technologies.


The CSI is to facilitate research, knowledge sharing, learning and career enhancement for all categories of IT professionals, while simultaneously inspiring and nurturing new entrants into the industry and helping them to integrate into the IT community.
The CSI is also working closely with other industry associations, government bodies and academia to ensure that the benefits of IT advancement ultimately percolate down to every single citizen of India.


It is committed to the mission of creating technical awareness among students and providing an opportunity to learn and sharpen their technical skills by conducting many of events spanning in the academic year.
Capable of making a difference to the community through IT and be a trusted advisors to the IT Policy makers.
Provide Value add to sponsors, Delegates, students, IT and membership.
Educate IT users on appropriate usage (safe, secure, legal and ethical) of IT.


  • Keeping in mind the interest of the IT professionals and computer users, CSI works towards, making the profession an area of choice amongst all sections of the society.
  • The promotions of information technology as a profession are the top priority of CSI.


  • CSI regularly organizes conferences conventions, lectures and gives various awards
  • It also ensures that regular training and skill updating are organized for the IT students.
  • CSI also works towards a global approach, by seeking out who may be willing to come forward and participate in such activities by formulating IT strategy and planning.

Staff Coordinators:

         Sushma M D Asst. Professor , Dept. Of CS&E

         Sadhana B Rai Asst. Professor , Dept. Of IS&E

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