Accredited By NBA (till 30/06/2025)


To be recognized as a center of knowledge dissemination in Computer Science and Engineering by imparting value-added education to transform budding minds into competent computer professionals.


  • Provide a value-based learning environment enriched with ethics, honesty and integrity that equips students to cater to the needs of society and industry.
  • Augment the knowledge of students towards cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art tools of Computer Science & Engineering.
  • Create opportunities for all-round development of students through co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • Promote research, innovation and development activities in the field of Computer Science among staff and students without any bias.


The department was started in the year 2001 to offer under graduate degree programme i.e. Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Computer Science & Engineering (CS&E). The department also offered post graduate programme in engineering i.e. MTech in Computer Science Engineering (CS&E) from 2011 to 2021. The department has dedicated, qualified and experienced faculty members to guide the students in academics. The faculty members are actively involved in teaching, product development and research. The faculty members have published number of research and review papers/articles in referred International journals and reputed International conferences which are archived at IEEE/ACM/Springer and other renowned digital libraries.

The department frequently organizes training programmes for the faculty, technical staff and students. The faculty frequently attends staff development programmes (SDP/FDP/Seminar) to update themselves in technological advancements and conferences to present research findings.The department aims at building the students’ career by placing special emphasis on all-round development through continuous interaction with Industry. Interactive sessions with experts from academia, research laboratories and industry are constantly held so as to enable students to gain knowledge on diverse and emerging fields. The campus placement has been scaling higher and higher peaks right from its inception with multinational companies recruiting students in large numbers. To increase the opportunity of placements to students, the department conducts soft skills training programmes, technical skill development activities and initiatives on self-learning (Spoken Tutorial programmes by IIT Bombay).

The department promotes extracurricular activities under the umbrella of the students’ association & SPECS. The department brings out Annual technical magazine and newsletter which provides an opportunity for the students and staff to publish innovative ideas, programming tips and articles on current trends in computing and technology. The students’association and National Service Scheme (NSS) wing frequently conducts various programmes to strengthen leadership skills, teamwork and communication; and awareness on protection of environment and social responsibilities.

CS Organisation Structure

DAC: Departmental Advisory Committee

Head of the Department Chairman
Expert from Academia Member
Expert from Industry Member
Project Coordinator Member
Seminar Coordinator Member
Four Senior Faculty Members Member
Programme Coordinator Member Secretary

DQAC: Departmental Quality Assurance Committe

Head of the Department Chairman
SIX Senior Faculty Members Members
Programme Coordinator Member Secretary

Departmental Budget/Purchase Committee

Head of the Department Chairman
Programme Coordinator Member
Professional Society Coordinator Member
Facility Coordinator Member
Budget / Purchase Coordinator Member Secretary

Departmental Project Assessment Committee (DPAC)

Head of the Department Chairman
Programme Coordinator Member
Seminar Coordinator Member
Research Coordinator Member
Project Coordinatorr Member Secretary

"Greetings from the department of Computer Science and Engineering (CS&E)"

It gives me pride and pleasure to introduce the department and its Web pages. I hope you will browse our OBE (Outcome Based Education) driven teaching-learning process, student achievements and activities. Our primary goal is to provide quality technical education in Computer Science and Engineering enriched with values. The process of learning is extremely important in life and it plays a crucial role in developing one's intellectual capability, besides career. We follow outcome based teaching-learning process that bridges the theory - practice gap while remaining grounded in the core of computer science and engineering. Nowadays the technology is changing rapidly, especially in the field of computing. To face this challenge, we equip our students for problem-solving and expose them to the state-of-the-art in computer science and information technology. We also work hard to help students to improve their verbal and written communication abilities, analytical thinking, and soft skills so that they may flourish in the corporate world. We believe that, our students who are clear and thorough in computer fundamentals coupled with practical experience can adapt to rapid changes in technology or software industry easily. The department has produced hundreds of competent professionals and has established a name for itself in the region. Thanks to the efforts of our Management, affiliating University (VTU), faculty, alumni, parents and the students.

Dr. Karthik Pai B H


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Dr.Karthik Pai B H

Professor & HoD

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Dr. Nagesh H R


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Dr. Demian Antony D'Mello


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Dr. Udaya Kumar K Shenoy


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Dr. Sunil Kumar B L

Associate Professor

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Dr. Gurudeva S Hiremath

Associate Professor

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Dr.Nagesh Shenoy H

Associate Professor

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Dr.Pavithra D S

Associate Professor

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Dr. Vinay P

Associate Professor

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Dr.Rajgopal K.T

Associate Professor

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Alok Ranjan

Assistant Professor

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Verdine Saviola Noronha

Assistant Professor

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Babitha Ganesh Kulal

Assistant Professor

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Annapurna M

Assistant Professor

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Shatananda Bhat P

Assistant Professor

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Saritha Suvarna

Assistant Professor

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Rakshith M.D.

Assistant Professor

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Kishor Shivathaya S

Assistant Professor

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Ajay S Shet

Assistant Professor

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Assistant Professor

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Sukshma Shetty

Assistant Professor

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Janardhana Bhat K

Assistant Professor

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Sowmya K

Assistant Professor

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Aruna Kumari G K

Assistant Professor

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Saritha M

Assistant Professor

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Namita A Amdalli

Assistant Professor

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Kavya A M

Assistant Professor

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Prathibha M

Assistant Professor

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Tara B B

Assistant Professor


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Abhishek R.B.


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Dinesh Suvarna


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Deena Elcy Saldanha

Lab Instructor

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Lab Instructor

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Bhaskara S

Lab Instructor

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Ms. Navyashree A

Lab Instructor

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Lab Instructor

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Lab Instructor

Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Computer science & Engineering (CS&E) programme is affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belgaum, Karnataka. This programme is offered with a blend of theory and practical courses and projects that help its students to cope up with the recent advancements in the computer industry. The department conducts the following bridge courses for the BE students to make them industry ready and thereby improve placement opportunities.

  • Advanced Java Programming (Laboratory)
  • Python Programming (Laboratory)
  • Soft Skills Development Courses (I - VII Semesters)
  • Technical Skill Development Courses (I – VII Semesters)

Annual Intake:- 180


  1. Graduates will work productively as computer science engineers exhibiting ethical qualities and leadership roles in multi-disciplinary teams.
  2. Graduates will adapt to the changing technologies, tools and societal requirements.
  3. Graduates will design and deploy software that meets the needs of individuals and the industries
  4. Graduates will take up higher education and/or be associated with the field so that they can keep themselves abreast of Research & Development


Engineering graduates in Computer Science and Engineering will be able to:

  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural, societal and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create,select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with the society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work as a member and leader in a team to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


  1. Computer System Components: Apply the principles of computer system software engineering to design, develop and deploy computer subsystems..
  2. Intelligent Internet Applications: Apply the knowledge of data storage, analytics and internet architecture in designing Internet based application.

Course Outcomes(CO)



Industry/Society Nature of Interaction
Infosys Technologies Campus Connect Programme (Certification)
ICT Academy Software, Seminars and Workshops
Ethnus Training and Internships
Fiabilite Networks Internships and Projects
QSpiders Technical Training and Internship







  • Computer Vision, Image and Video Processing
  • Cloud Computing
  • Data Science and Big Data Analytics
  • Internet of Things (IOT)
  • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
  • Web Technology
  • Machine Learning & Content centric Networking





Alok Ranjan Verdine Noronha Annapurna M Babitha Ganesh Kulal
Saritha Suvarna Shatananda Bhat P Rakshith M D Saritha M
Namitha A Amdalli Kishor Shivathaya S Sukshma Shetty Janardhana Bhat K
Sowmya K Aruna Kumari G K Tara B B Sushma
Kavya A M


Sl.No Product Year Team Members Team Leader
Canara High School – CBSE (15 Canara Educational Institutions)
Shatananda Bhat P Alok Ranjan
Placement Department Automation System 2.0
Shatananda Bhat P Alok Ranjan
Inter College Fest Online Event Registration Application
Mr. Nagaraj Shatananda Bhat P
CHSA Hall Booking
Shatananda Bhat P Alok Ranjan
CHSA Website
Shatananda Bhat P Alok Ranjan
Website 4.0
Shatananda Bhat P Alok Ranjan
CAN-SYS (Institution Information System) 4.0
Shatananda Bhat P Alok Ranjan
Central Digital Library System 2.0
Shatananda Bhat P Alok Ranjan
CEC Hostel Outpass System
Shatananda Bhat P Alok Ranjan
Canara Institution HR Solutions
Shatananda Bhat P Alok Ranjan
College Fee Management System
Shatananda Bhat P Alok Ranjan
Canara Assets Management System Software
Shatananda Bhat P Alok Ranjan
VTU Result Extractor
Ms. Lavanya,Mr. Abhinav
Mr. Aniket,Ms. Lisha
Dr. Sunil Kumar B L
Hands-on Session on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud (05-03-2025)

On 5th March 2025, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a “Hands-on Session on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud” for 6th semester students. The topics discussed were features and applications of AWS. Creation of AWS account, creation of virtual machine (VM) and required database, putty software for connecting users to remote computers, hosting applications was demonstrated. Mr. Alok Ranjan was the resource person. Mr. Rakshith M D coordinated the event. About 124 students attended the session.

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Talk on Engineering: A Career for My Life (19-02-2025)

On 19th February 2025, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a talk on Engineering: A Career for My Life for 4th & 6th semester students. Dr. Udaya Kumar K Shenoy, Dean, Research and Development was the resource person. He motivated students to enhance their technical skills by carrying out projects, focus on core jobs and start-ups. Also encouraged students to solve societal problems through applying the design, develop and debug skills which demonstrates the qualities of an efficient engineer. Dr. Karthik Pai B H, HOD, Dept. of CSE was present during the session. Mr. Rakshith M D coordinated the event. About 258 students attended the session.

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A Session on Introduction to Machine Learning (12-02-2025)

On 12th February 2025, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Session on Introduction to Machine Learning (ML) for 4th semester students. The topics discussed were importance of ML, types of ML, workflow of ML, python libraries for ML, open source tools for ML, data visualization libraries and Integrated Development Environment (IDEs) used for carrying out ML projects. Mrs. Babitha Ganesh Kulal, Mrs. Sukshma Shetty, and Mr. Rakshith M D were the resource persons. Mr. Rakshith M D coordinated the event. About 173 students attended the session.

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5 days Faculty Development Program on “A Practical Approach to Modern Technologies” (10-02-2025)

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, in association with the Department of Information Science and Engineering, organized a Five-Day Faculty Development Program (FDP) for Teaching Staff on “A Practical Approach to Modern Technologies” at Canara Engineering College from 10th to 14th February 2025. The program featured distinguished resource persons Mr. Shadab Khatib (Co-Founder, nTuring Technologies Pvt. Ltd.), Dr. Abhinandan P. Shirahatti (Associate Professor, KIT’s College of Engineering, Kolhapur), Mr. Vaibhav Chavan (AI Developer & Co-founder, Zeel), and Dr. Shivananda R. Poojara (Solution Architect, Airowire Networks Pvt Ltd, Bangalore). The five-day FDP saw the participation of 29 faculty members, with four days of hands-on sessions covering cutting-edge technologies such as Full Stack Development (FSD), Machine Learning (ML), DevOps, and Cloud Computing. Participants gained expertise in implementing machine learning models for predictive analytics, developing cloud-based applications using DevOps tools, and building full-stack web applications with Express.js. On the fifth day, an industrial visit to Novigo Solutions Pvt. Ltd. was organized, providing participants with valuable insights into industry practices and an overview of the technologies used by the company. The session covered Cloud Data Services (MongoDB, AWS, Azure), Business Intelligence (Power BI, Qlik, Tableau), Data Science & AI (KNIME, R, Python), Low Code/No Code (UiPath, OutSystems), Cloud Application Development (.NET, Angular, React, Scala), and DevOps (Docker, Jenkins, ServiceNow). The event was coordinated by Ms. Saritha Suvarna, Dr. Ganesh Pai, Dr. Rajgopal K.T, Mr. Ajay Shet, and Mr. Dinesh Suvarna under the leadership of Dr. Karthik Pai B H, HoD, Department of CSE, and Dr. H Manoj T Gadiyar, HoD, Department of ISE. Objectives of the Workshop: • To understand the usage of API’s to create web applications using Express JS. • To Implement Machine Learning concepts and algorithms to gain practical experience and understanding. • To understand the different Version control tools like Git, Mercurial cloud-based and DevOps tools to solve real world problems • To Implement cloud computing concepts and services using a platform or programming language of choice to gain hands-on experience and practical understanding. The Expected outcome of the Workshop: The Teaching Staff will be able to • Implement user interface components for web applications using Express JS • Implement machine learning algorithms to analyze data, build predictive models, and solve real-world problems using suitable programming tools and frameworks. • Demonstrate Cloud-based DevOps tools using Azure DevOps. • Ability to design, deploy, and manage cloud-based applications and services, leveraging cloud platforms to provide scalable, secure, and efficient solutions.

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Hands on Session on Computer Fundamentals (30-01-2025)

On January 30 th 2025, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a hands-on session on Computer Fundamentals" for High School Students of Govt. High School,Kallige, Nethrakere. Mrs. Sowmya K, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Mrs .Sushma, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Mrs . Babitha Ganesh Kulal, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, and Mr. Ajay Shet, Department of CSE were the resource persons. A session on Microsoft Word, Power Point Presentation, and Paint were taken up. A total of 30 students participated, with coordination by Mrs.Sukshma Shetty.

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Skill Based Activity (29-01-2025)

On January 29 th, 2025, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with IEEE organized a Skill Based Activity for Govt Pre-university students. Pre University College, Benjanapadavu, Bantwal T.Q, Mrs Sukshma Shetty, Assistant professor, Department of CSE, Mrs. Sushma, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Ms. Navyashree, Lab Instructor, Department of CSE, Ms.Sujanitha, Lab Instructor, Department of CSE were the resource persons. Sessions on Self Introduction, Communication Skills, and Listening Skills were conducted. A total of 35 students participated, with coordination by Mrs. Sowmya K .

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FutureTech Fundamentals: Exploring IoT, ML, Cybersecurity, and Blockchain (11-01-2025)

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, in association with the Department of Information Science and Engineering, organized a Two-Day Faculty Development Program for Technical Staff on “FutureTech Fundamentals: Exploring IoT, ML, Cybersecurity, and Blockchain” at Canara Engineering College.The event was conducted on 11-01-2025 and 13-01-2025. Objectives of the Workshop: • To understand the architecture, functionality, and applications of IoT systems. • To understand the principles and techniques of Machine Learning. • To leverage block chain for enhancing cybersecurity through secure, transparent, and decentralized data protection. The Expected outcome of the Workshop: The Non-Teaching Staff will be able to • Design and implement IoT solutions that connect devices and sensors. • Analyze the data using Machine Learning. • Enhance the security mechanisms using the cutting edge Technology. The program featured esteemed resource persons, including Mr. Mahesh Deginal (MD & CEO, Karunadu Technologies Pvt. Ltd.), Mr. Mahesh N. (CTO, Karunadu Technologies Pvt. Ltd.), Mr. Abhishek S. Rao (Assistant Professor, Nitte), Dr. Roshan Fernandes (Professor & Head, Nitte), and Ms. Tanzila Nargis (Assistant Professor, Nitte). The sessions offered hands-on practical exposure to emerging technologies. Participants gained skills in configuring IoT devices for smart monitoring systems, building machine learning models for predictive analytics, applying cybersecurity measures to mitigate risks and protect systems, and developing blockchain solutions for secure, decentralized data handling. The event was coordinated by Mr. Rajgopal K. T, Ms.Saritha Suvarna and Mr.Ajay Shet successfully equipped participants with practical knowledge and technical expertise to address real-world challenges in these transformative fields. Facebook Link: Youtube Link:

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Innovation showcase: Project exhibition (11-12-2024)

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, in association with the Institutions Innovation Council(IIC), organized an event Innovation showcase: Project exhibition for 5th semester students on 11/12/2024 from 2PM. In total 42 project teams have exhibited their project works in LH105, LH106 and LH109. Dr. Ganesh Pai, Associate Professor, Dept of ISE, Mr. Siju Soman and Mr. Arjun K, Assistant Professors from Dept of AI/ML, Dr. Gurudev S Hiremath, Associate Professor, Mr. Kishor S and Mr. Janardhana Bhat K, Assistant Professors from Dept. of CSE were the judges for the event. During the project evaluation, two best projects from each section have been identified and the judges have also provided constructive feedback on the project works to all the teams. Mrs. Babitha Ganesh Kulal, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE coordinated the event. During the project evaluation they have identified two best projects from each section. Objectives of the event are : 1. To encourage the students to showcase the innovative solutions and projects developed during their mini project work 2. To provide a platform for students to present their projects and ideas effectively to a diverse audience. 3. To facilitate an exchange of ideas among students, faculty, and industry experts to inspire future research and innovation. 4. To identify and reward outstanding projects that demonstrate technical excellence and societal impact. Outcomes: 1. Students demonstrated innovative solutions and technical creativity through their project work, showcasing a variety of ideas across multiple domains. 2. Participants gained valuable experience in presenting their projects to faculty, judges, and peers, improving their ability to articulate complex ideas effectively. 3. The event facilitated knowledge sharing and collaboration among students, faculty members, and judges, encouraging interdisciplinary learning and future teamwork. 4. Outstanding projects were identified and appreciated, motivating students to strive for excellence and contribute impactful solutions to real-world problems. Follow the below links for more information: 1. 2. 3. 4.

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TechSynergy 2024 - Uniting Innovation and Intelligence (10-12-2024)

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Canara Engineering College in association with the Institutions Innovation Council(IIC), organized TechSynergy 2024 - Uniting Innovation and Intelligence a project exhibition event during the "Innovations Showcase:Project Exhibition - Exhibition Prototype" on December 10,2024. Event was scheduled from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. About 35 Project-teams from department of CSE have participated in the competition. Inaugural function was scheduled from 9:10 AM to 9:40 AM in Seminar Hall-1 followed by Project Evaluation from 9:45 AM to 12:15 PM at respective venues. Ravi Shankar P, Senior Software Engineer, Kakunje Software Private Limited, Mangalore, Vijesh Shenoy K, Integration Architect, Oracle Health and N Venkatesh Kamath, Software Engineer 2, Hashedin by Deloitte supported as external judges whereas Dr. Ganesh Bhat - ECE, Ms. Sourabha S Rai - CSD and Dr. Narayan Ram Naik - ISE assisted as Internal Judges. Prizes along with certificates will be awarded to all the 11 TOP Teams from various departments in the upcoming College Fest. The Event was coordinated by Mr. Janardhana Bhat K with all the guidance and support of by Dr.Gurudeva S Hiremath-Chief Coordinator(Major-Project). Objectives: 1. To demonstrate the roll of engineers towards society and environment . 2. To improve new technical skills. 3. To improve interpersonal, teamwork and time management skills. Outcomes: 1. Demonstrated the use of modern engineering tools. 2. Developed individual and interpersonal skills. 3. Demonstrated the commitment to environment and society. 4. Demonstrated the time management skills with ethical practice. Face-Book Link : You-Tube Link : c?feature=share

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Branch Entry (26-10-2024)

The Branch Entry programme was organized by the Cultural & Arts Committee in CEC for the 3rd semester students at the Open Air Auditorium (Main Stage). Dr. Nagesh H.R Principal(CEC) inaugurated the event. Around 40 students participated in various events. The event concluded by around 5 PM with various cultural events like solo and group singing, dance & skit.

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Ayudha Pooja (26-10-2024)

Ayudha Pooja was celebrated in the department of Computer science and Engineering as a aprt of Dussehra to seek the divine blessings of Lord Saraswati which will give more positive power to all the stakeholders in the department to prosper. Students showcased their creativity with vibrant Rangoli designs. The Faculty, staff & students of the department arranged the Bhajanas and decorated the Mantap with flowers and other offerings as prasada. The Pandit visited the department laboratory MicroProcessor Lab to perform the pooja and wished the department to have more admissions and placements in future. Following the Pooja, We distributed prasada to all participants, symbolizing unity and gratitude.

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A Hands on Session On Python Problem Solving Bootcamp:Series (25-09-2024)

The Program was conducted on the following dates : 25-09-2024, 9-10-2024, 16-10-2024, 23-10-2024, 6-11-2024, 20-11-2024 from 2:00 PM in the respective classrooms of Fifth Semester CSE Students.The Session concentrated in the topics of Data Handling,Visualization,Utility.The Hands on Session on these topics were conducted to the students to improve their programming skills and logical thinking.

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C Programming Problem Solving Strategies Series 1-8 (04-09-2024)

The Program was conducted on the following dates : 04-09-2024,18-09-2024, 25-09-2024, 9-10-2024, 23-10-2024, 6-11-2024, 20-11-2024 from 2:00 PM in the respective classrooms of Third Semester CSE Students.The Session concentrated in the topics of Arrays,Strings,Linked List,Recursion and Pattern Matching.The Hands on Session on these topics were conducted to the students to improve their programming skills and logical thinking.

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Exploring Robotic Process Automation using UiPath Studio (28-08-2024)

The department of computer science and engineering in association with UiPath Acdemic Alliance an activity titled “Exploring Robotic Process Automation using UiPath Studio” on August 28, 2024. The students of third semester Computer Science and Engineering participated in this activity. The faculty coordinators provided the guidance regarding Robotic Process Automation and its Applications along the Introduction to UiPath Studio. The students gained insights about the industry requirements for RPA tools and developers. The students gained knowledge regarding enrollment for the Automation Explorer Learning plans offered by UiPath Academy. The students also enrolled for the couse titled “Introduction to AI-powered automation”. A total of 178 students from all the three sections of Third semester, Dept, of CSE benefitted from the seminar. The activity was held in the Lecture Halls LH104, LH103 and LH109 from 2:00PM to 4:00PM.

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Technova2024 (19-07-2024)

On July 19th 2024, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Canara Engineering College organized "Technova2024" for 6th semester CSE students.The Project Expo showcased innovative solutions that seamlessly integrate front-end and back-end technologies to deliver robust and user-friendly applications. Focused on the latest tools and frameworks to create dynamic, responsive, and feature-rich platforms. Total 137 students participated in the project expo with a group of 4 members in a team. Objectives 1.Gain knowledge in designing software systems and architectures. 2.Enhance coding skills in relevant programming languages 3.Develop teamwork and collaboration skills. 4.Integrate various technologies and tools Outcomes 1.Students can design software systems and create architectural diagrams 2.Students demonstrate proficiency in coding with relevant programming languages 3.Students can produce thorough project documentation that is understandable and useful. Facebook link: Youtube link:

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Technical writing using LaTeX (16-07-2024)

Department of CSE organized sessions on "Technical writing using LaTeX" for 6th semester students in LH-201 & LH-202 from 30th April 2024 to 16th July 2024. Topics covered were: Creating sections with dummy text, Displaying abstract, Creating certificate page, title page, tables, equations, images, citations, algorithms & theorems. Miktex and Texmaker were the tools used for execution of latex scripts. Also students were asked to create report and research article by applying the topics discussed. About 137 students participated in the sessions.

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Seminar (13-07-2024)

The department of computer science and engineering in association with IIC and alumni cell organised an online seminar titled “Admist Technological Modernization“on July 13,2024. The students of fourth semester computer science and engineering attended the online seminar. Nitish addressed the students about how technologies evolved, the major technological areas in industries today and what advances may be over the next few years. He provided valuable inputs on various designations of employees in the industry and what is the role played by each designation. The students were also addressed about the knowledge areas to be possessed for each role. Nitish guided the students about identification of their interests and thereby focusing on the appropriate technical skill enhancements for better opportunities in their profession. 83 students benefited from the seminar. Prof. Kishore Shivataya from Computer science and engineering department assisted in the smooth conduction of the seminar. It was coordinated by Verdine Noronha Alumni coordinator for computer science department.

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Express Js (10-07-2024)

On July 10th 2024, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Canara Engineering College organized a hands on session on "Express js" for fourth semester CSE students in skill lab. Mr. Ashwin Shenoy, from the sixth semester, led session on building simple rest API using Express js. He gave introduction on HTTP Methods and building communication between front end and backend using axios. A total of 99 students participated, with coordination by Ms. Saritha Suvarna.

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React:Series 2 (10-07-2024)

On July 10th 2024, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Canara Engineering College organized a hands on session on "React: Series 2" for sixth semester CSE Section-B students in the class room LH202. Mr. Pavan Naik and Mr. Praharsh T, both from the sixth semester, led hands-on sessions covering React. They gave hands on session on creating Todo app, routing, form handling and Tailwind CSS. A total of 54 students participated, with coordination by Mr. Rajgopal K.T.

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Mobile Application Development using React Native:Series 2 (10-07-2024)

On July 10th 2024, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Canara Engineering College organized a hands on session on "Mobile Application Development using React Native:Series 2" for sixth semester CSE Section-A students in the class room LH201. Mr.Havyas A M and Mr. Abhishek M, both from the sixth semester, led hands-on sessions covering React Native Components. They gave insights of react native by setting up the react native development process tab navigation and tab screen. A total of 30 students participated, with coordination by Mr. Rajgopal K.T.

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