"One best book is equal to hundred good friends but one good friend is equal to a Library”.

–Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam

Library is a store house of Knowledge.The central Library of CEC is located in the heart of the institution and it is easily accessible to its clientele. The library has got independent building with carpet area of 1305.68 spread in 2 Floors it can accommodated 300 users at a time. The collection of library is more than47000 including general Book bank books and SC/ST Book Bank which includes Text and Reference books, Competitive Examination books and general knowledge books are available for all round development of personality. The Library subscribes 42Indian Journals, and 16 magazines in print version for various departments of UG and PG students and Faculty and Staff. We have access more than 11000+online journals, 21000+ E books, Articles from various publishers like IEEE ASPP,& POP ALL, EBSCO Engineering Suit, IEEE Blended e-Learning Platform, Eduport Global-CBS, BSP E-Book, Cengage Learning, Cambridge University Press , Mint Books, Quiklrn e-Books, Drillbit Plagiarism Originality online Check Tool,Quiklrn English Communication Language Lab etc. Subscribed packages under the VTU Consortium. Library has separate Reading Room and Reference section reading hall. Library has separate stack hall for books, Reference section and Book Bank. The in-house activities of the Library have been computerized and all books are bar coded.


To make world class centre for quality resources in print and digital form to facilitate learning and research.


To enable our readers to make use of Library resource and services most effectively with help from modern technological tools and applications.


  • To be user friendly.
  • Build collections and create tools to support teaching, learning and research.
  • Provide access to current and updated information resources.
  • To help users to find right information at the right time.
  • To help users in their curriculum activities with knowledge support.
  • Providing comfortable and learning environment to users.


  • Open Access System:
            Library is providing open access facility. You are free to choose any books (text/reference, competitive examination books, general books), dictionaries, encyclopedias, journals, bound volumes of journal, standards, project reports,CD-ROM, question papers and news papers in reference section.
             General Book Bank facility for all students consists of multiple copies of text books .Book Bank book will be issued 3-5 books for full semester use. If failed to return the books after the due date PER DAY PER BOOK ONE RUPEE will be levied. Library resources are costly and are often rare. Handle Library books and other materials with care and respect. If the books are lost, then the borrower shall replace the books of same edition or latest edition or pay double cost of the book after getting permission from the Librarian.
  • SC/ST Book Bank:
            Central Library has a facility to issue upto 6 books from Book Bank to students belonging to SC/ST communities who can borrow one text book for each subject in a semester. . Students whose names appear in the list of SC/ST students, received from the Principal Office are eligible to borrow these books by producing application and photocopy of cast certificate issued by the government. This Facility will be available for SC/ST Student with free of cost. These books have to be return the end of the semester (after university examination).Borrower shall be responsible for any damage or loss caused to the books and shall be required to replace the same or latest edition of the same books or the entire cost of the books will be deducted from his/her deposit.
  • New Arrivals:
            New books are shelved on the “New Arrivals display rack” in the reference section for a limited period of time in order that library users may have a chance to browse new acquisitions.
  • Reference section:
            The Reference Section in the library has various books that are sources of information about different subjects. They include Text /reference books, Journals, Magazines, Newspapers, CD’s dictionaries, encyclopedias, Project Reports , Hand books. Question papers, General Aptitude books and other informational books. Most books in the Reference Section may not be taken out so that they are always available to those who need them.
  • Digital Library:
             A Digital Library having 16 systems and 36 extended docking area facilities with internet facility with speed of 300MBPS. The digital Library exclusively used for the online access of e-Journals, e-books, conference proceedings, articles, educational videos and e- resources.
  • Reprographic Service:
            Xerox facilities are available in reference section. Users can avail the photocopying facility for making copies of reading material in Central Library. Charges apply (per page Rs.1/-).
  • OPAC:
            Online Public Access Catalogue facility available in the Central Library for user.The library’s catalogue of books and other reading material can be accessed through library ERP software. The library catalogue is searched by author, title, publisher, and keyword .
  • CD Rom database service:
            Huge collection of CD ROM in various subjects and journals available for access.
  • Question Papers:
             VTU question papers also available for reference. Question Paper Library is the fastest and easiest way to find Old University / Board question papers in an interactive way.
  • Online Access Service:
             This facility provided to users access e- journals, e books, Articles, Conference Proceedings, E learning materials , and videos’ from the various publishers Platform(GATE &etc.,) , Articles from various publishers Springer Nature, Taylor&Francis, Elsevier /Science Direct, , Emerald, Proquest, IEEE ASPP, Knimbus digital platform and Remote access and Drillbit Plagiarism Originality online Check Tool, etc.. Subscribed packages under the VTU Consortium.


Electronic resources (e-resources) are materials in digital format accessible electronically. E-resources are electronic journals (e-journal), electronic books (e-book), Conference proceeding , Articles, e-learning materials ,Videos etc., online databases in varied digital formats, Adobe Acrobat documents (.pdf), WebPages (.htm, .html, .asp etc) and more. The CEC Central Library has subscribed online e journals and e-books on various publishers through a member of VTU Consortium.

  • E-resources such as e-journals, e-databases, e-books made available by the Central Library, are for academic use only.
  • Using e-resources for scholarly, educational or research, teaching, private study and clinical purposes.
  • Systematic downloading of entire journal issues or volumes, or large portions of other e-resources is not permitted.
  • Using e-resources for commercial gain is not permitted Transmitting, disseminating or otherwise making online content available to unauthorized.

E-Journals & E-Books Access provided through VTU Consortium:-

(Note all the above resources IP based accessible within the campus)
"Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life.".
–Sidney Sheldon


Library Working Hours

During Working Days Monday - Friday 9.00 AM – 8.00 PM
Saturday(2 nd , 4 th & 5 th ) 9.00 AM – 4.30 PM
Saturday(1 st and 3 rd ) 9.00 AM – 1.00 PM
Sunday 9.00 AM – 1.00 PM
During Internal Examinations Monday - Saturday 9.00 AM – 8.00 PM
Sunday & PH 9.00 AM – 1:00 PM
During VTU Examinations Monday - Saturday 9.00 AM – 8.00 PM
Sundays and Government Holidays 9.00 AM – 1:00 PM


Admission to the Library

        CEC Central Library primarily intended to support the educational and research needs of the Faculty, researcher, staff and students.CEC ID qualify for admittance to the Central Library borrowing facilities. All members are required to deposit their belongings at the cub board .The Library is not responsible for any loss or damage to the same. Taking a bag inside the Library is strictly prohibited.

Borrowing facilities and Renewal

Category of users No. of Borrower cards Duration
Teaching Faculty 12 books Full semester
UG students Circulation Section-4 15 days
Book Bank Section-1 One Semester
SC/ST Book Bank-1 One Semester
PG students Circulation Section-4 15 days
Book Bank Section-1 One Semester
SC/ST Book Bank-1 One Semester
Supporting Staff 4 books Full semester

Rules on Overdue Materials

Books will be issued for 15 days duration. Students have to return the books on or before the due date. A fine of Rs.10 per book per day will be levied, if the books are not returned within the due date.

Loss/Damage of Library Materials

Library resources are costly and are often rare. Handle Library books and other materials with care and respect. If the books are lost, then the borrower shall replace the books of same edition or latest edition or pay double cost of the book after getting permission from the Librarian

General Instructions

  • The Library is primarily intended for the use of Students, Faculty and Staff of the college.
  • Silence to be maintained. Any kind of discussion is not allowed in the Library.
  • Dress code is compulsory.
  • Produce your Identity card, enter your name and sign in a Log Register kept at the entrance counter before entering library.
  • Personal belongings are not allowed inside the Library. Refreshments / eatables of any kind are strictly not allowed anywhere in the library premises.
  • Using cellular phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
  • Show the books and other materials which are being taken out of the library to the staff at the entrance counter.
  • Students may borrow magazines and other reading material at Periodical Section. They must return these at the counter before leaving the Reference Section as they cannot be taken outside the Library.
  • Students are not permitted to lend books to any other person, whether inside or outside the college.
  • The Library property should be treated with utmost care. Writing, drawing on the furniture/equipments, etc is strictly prohibited.
  • Every college student is expected to cultivate a high standard of conduct / behavior in the library.
  • Library membership and borrower cards are not transferrable.
  • A student to whom a book has been issued is responsible for it and for any damage done to it. He/she may not write anything or make any mark therein.
  • Loss of borrower card shall be intimated to the librarian. Duplicate card will be issued at the cost of Rs. 25/- per borrower card after verification.
  • After two weeks if the books are not returned, a fine of Rs/- 10 per day per book will be levied.
  • The defaulter student, after the above period of due date has to pay all the late fees and cost of the books to the Accounts department before the Exam hall ticket is issued to him / her.
  • The Book may be retained for two weeks unless recalled by the Librarian in the meantime.
  • Loss or damage to book/s shall have to be made good by the borrower.
  • To obtain No Dues certificate from the college member should.
    1. Return all books borrowed,
    2. Submit the project report,
    3. pay overdue charges if any and
    4. surrender the borrower cards to the Library.
  • For any further clarification about the library services the Librarian may be contacted.
  • In case of violation of any of the above rules / regulations, the Librarian will send the list of misbehaved students and ID card to the Principal for further action.


profile pic

Bhavani K

Assistant Librarian

profile pic

Santhosh N

Lib. Assistant

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Jr. Off. Assistant

profile pic


Jr. Off. Assistant


For any enquiry contact Circulation Desk @ Ext: 212

Postal Address

The Librarian,
Canara Engineering College
Benjanapadavu, Bantwal Taluk
Mangalore, D.K. District
Karnataka, India - 574219

Phone : 8792727001
Fax : 0824-2278675
Email : library@canaraengineering.in
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